Snail Kite
Created by: Daniel S.
Click on the picture above to hear "Wind Beneath My Wings"
          Introduction: The snail kite is a medium sized hawk located in central and south Florida.
          The snail kite became one of the first species to be appointed to the endangered species
          list. It was first listed as endangered on March 11 1967.The snail kite has many reasons
          for endangerment.

          Status: Endangered
          Family: Accipitridae
          Scientific Name: (Rosthrhamus sociabilis plumbeus).

          Habitat: The habitat of the Snail Kite consists of fresh-water marshes and the shallow
          vegetated edges of lakes,also the Everglades. The habitat the snail kite lives in is made of
          open water, spike rush, and  pacthes of sawgrass and cattails. Snail Kites require open
          water in order to see apple snails. The new growing vegetation allows apple snails to climb
          near the surface to feed, breathe or lay eggs, which  allows snail kites to feed on them.

          Description:The snail kite is a medium sized hawk, 14-16 inches long, with a wingspan of
          43-46 inches long, and weighs 12-20 ounces. Females are larger than males in size and
          weight.They both have red eyes, a square tipped tail with a white base. They both have
          black curved  beaks and black curved talons.
          Adult male: Dark gray plumage, darker flight feathers than females, red legs and cheeks.
          Adult female: Dark brown upper parts, underparts heavily streaked, white eyebrows, yellow
          to orange legs and cheeks, young birds are similar to adult females.

          Diet: Sometimes the Everglade Snail Kite takes other food items, particularly small turtles,
          but it mostly eats freshwater apple snails. They capture snails mainly by hunting from the air,
          or sometimes by still-hunting from a perch. When a Kite spots an apple snail, it drops to the
          surface and  plucks the snails from the top few inches of water. The bird then, using its
          thin curved bill pulls the snail from its shell.

          The breeding season is between February and July. The birds usually nest in a loose
          colony of bulky construction such as low shrubs or trees that are about 13 inches in
          diameter and located 3 to 10 feet above the water.

          Nesting: Usually, 2 to 4 eggs are laid, which range from whitish to brown, but are usually
          splattered with browns and tans. Incubation lasts for almost 27 days and the nestlings fly
          after 4 to 5 weeks. Parents continue to feed their young for several weeks after they start

          Interesting facts: The Snail Kite's only enemy is man. The Snail Kite makes the sound of a